Highlights from the 2nd Annual Dermatology Research Day!

On May 4, 2018 we celebrated research and academic achievement in the department of dermatology!

The event was very successful, well attended and further confirmed our goal to grow into a strong academic dermatology center.

Our talented residents and faculties presented ongoing research projects and over 10 selected posters were presented during the event.

Resident/Fellow Research Presentations

  • Dr. R. Gillihan*, PGY-2: Clinical, dermoscopic and pathological correlation of common skin neoplasms; Faculty Advisor: Dr. I. Longo
  • Dr. C. Nielson, PGY-2: Morphologic and Immunohistochemical Comparison of Psoriasis, Psoriatic Alopecia, and Alopecia Areata; Faculty Advisor: Dr. K. Motaparthi
  • Dr. K. Potter, PGY-4: Skin cancer awareness in solid organ transplant recipients: Patient survey study; Faculty Advisor: Dr. I. Longo
  • Dr. E. George, Dermpath Fellow: Next generation sequencing for spindle cell melanoma; Faculty Advisor: Dr. K. Motaparthi
  • Dr. E. George, Dermpath Fellow: Comparison of the inflammatory infiltrates in tumoral melanosis, regressing nevi, and regressing melanoma; Faculty Advisor: Dr. K. Motaparthi
  • Dr. J. Merritt, PGY-2: AD in elderly: retrospective study and immunostaining; Faculty Advisor: Drs. A. De Benedetto and A. Walker
  • Dr. M. Montuno, PGY-4: The Impact of Mohs Micrographic Surgery on Tumor Staging of Cutaneous Squamous Cell Carcinoma: A Comparison and Evaluation of the 7th and 8th Editions of the American Joint Committee on Cancer Guidelines – An Update; Faculty Advisor: Drs. B. Brown, S. Konda and K. Motaparthi
Updates on current Faculty Research Projects
  • Dr. A. De Benedetto: Updates on role of PAR2 in epidermal barrier impairment
  • Dr. J. Schoch: Updates on microbiome project
Overview on Clinical Trials – M. Bohannon, CCRA
*Dr. R. Gillahn, PGY-2, was awarded Best presentation.
 Dr. J. Merritt, PGY-2, and Dr. K.A. Potter, Chief Resident, were both earned Best Poster.


Photo Gallery from the event


Dr. Eva George's Presentation
Dr. Eva George’s Presentation
Dr. Gillihan's Award for Best Presentation
Dr. Gillihan’s Award for Best Presentation
Dr. Gillihan's Presentaion
Dr. Gillihan’s Presentaion
Dr. Merritt's Presentation
Dr. Merritt’s Presentation
Dr. Potter's Poster
Dr. Potter’s Poster
Dr. Benedetto's Update on Research
Dr. Benedetto’s Update on Research
Dr. Merritt and Dr. Potter Best Poster Award
Dr. Merritt and Dr. Potter Best Poster Award
Mary Bohannon Poster
Mary Bohannon Poster
Poster Displays
Poster Displays
Thanks for Coming - See you next year!
Thanks for Coming – See you next year!