We have an active Clinical Trials Unit (CTU), with a broad range of sponsored trials from skin cancer treatment to inflammatory skin disease (e.g. atopic dermatitis, itch, prurigo nodularis) as well as investigator-initiated studies. We are part of nationwide registry studies to investigate the effects of psoriasis medications (Dr. Montanez) as well as the impact of visible dermatologic disorders on our young patients (Dr. Schoch). Dr. Motaparthi is leading cutting-edge research on the implementation of Artificial Intelligence in dermatopathology (Proscia). Dr. Schoch has collaborated with other departments at UF to launch research on the skin microbiome in infancy and in atopic dermatitis. Dr. Schoch received a prestigious NIH funded KL2 career award to advance her research career. She is also working with Dr. Monir, a recent graduate of our UF Dermatology residency, on a Pediatric Dermatology Research Alliance funded proposal to investigate early change in the microbiome and skin barrier in infants. We also have investigator initiated retrospective studies analyzing risk factors for skin cancer and other dermatologic diagnoses.
Although COVID19 has challenged all of us, our focus on the research mission has not changed. We have many exciting proposals and trials in the pipeline and are looking forward to continuing our research activities with everyone’s support.
If you are interested in our ongoing clinical trials or to refer your patients, please check our research page in the department website or feel free to contact Mary Bohannon at mebohan@ufl.edu or Dr. Schoch at jschoch@dermatology.med.ufl.edu.