Specimen Preservation
Biopsy should be preserved using appropriately sized neutral buffered formalin containers/bottles. If you are in need of bottles or are unsure of the appropriate medium, please contact UF Health Dermatopathology Lab and they will be provided for you. These specimens do not require refrigeration.
Specimen Labeling
Please label each container with the patient’s full name, date of birth, and the >site of the biopsy.
Labeling requirements
- First and last name of patient
- Date and time collected
- Type of specimen in container
Please Note: Failure to label specimens with all information or information which does not match the corresponding requisition may result in service delays.
Please only use the UF Health Dermatopathology Requisition Form. Submitting specimens using requisitions from another facility will result in service delays.
The patient’s full name, date of birth, and gender MUST be included on every requisition, even if you are including a separate page with the patient demographics.
Please make sure that the following information is included with each submission:
- Submitting physician’s name, address, telephone and fax numbers.
- Patient’s full name
- Date of Birth
- Address
- Phone number
- All insurance information (if patient is self-pay, please indicate this on the requisition)
- Date of Collection
- Site of biopsy for each specimen
- Type of biopsy
- Clinical diagnosis or R/O for each specimen
Standard requisitions come inĀ 2 parts, please returnĀ one copy to UF Health Dermatopathology Lab with the specimen. Client copy is for your records.
Specimen bottles and requisitions should be placed in specimen bags which can be provided by you or UF Health Dermatopathology Lab. Please do not use specimen bags from outside laboratories.
Please include only one patient per specimen bag.
Contact UF Health Dermatopathology Lab at (352) 594-1935 or toll-free (855) 483-7546 to request supplies or courier services if needed.