Residency Program

The three year dermatology residency training program is designed to give residents the scope and breadth of clinical training to make them experts in skin disease. They will acquire the medical and surgical skills required to diagnose and treat patients with dermatologic disorders. The clinical rotations are correlated with conferences and lectures to enhance their learning experiences.

It is expected that the residents’ fund of knowledge and clinical skills will improve each year. This will be evaluated in several ways. First, they will have daily exposure to geographic full-time faculty. Second, each faculty will give a written evaluation of all the residents every 6 months. The director of the training program will discuss evaluations and performance with each resident semiannually. Third, attendance, punctuality, and participation will be monitored on a daily basis.

In 2013 the next accreditation system was introduced by the ACGME. Integral to the changes introduced were the milestone based evaluations of resident competencies. Included within the structure of he milestones is a focus on identifiable and expected outcomes during the development of physicians in training. The dermatology program remains dedicated to it’s goals to education and train the next generation of dermatologists to the expectations of the ACGME and the communities in which they will practice.

Finally, each resident will sit for a mock dermatology board examination each year. This test examines their fund of knowledge in both the basic sciences and clinical dermatology. Scores are broken down into 4 different categories. Individual resident scores are compared to their PGY peer groups from across the country from other training programs.


The University of Florida Department of Dermatology offers a 3 year residency program accredited by the Accreditation Council for Graduate Medical Education.

Our residency program is designed to provide training that will allow residents to achieve a high degree of expertise in clinical dermatology as well as teaching, research, and basic science.