On Going

Research Programs

In addition to specializing in patient care, faculty in the UF Department of Dermatology are actively engaged in on-going research programs. Our research in the treatment of the skin is propelling the department into the forefront of the dermatology research across the nation. 

Dermatologists looking in a microscope

Clinical Trials Unit

Our goal is to enhance patient care by promoting understanding of skin diseases and supporting the development of ground breaking novel treatments.

On going

Clinical Trials

Here you will find information about studies being conducted that require patient assistance.  If you are interested in participating please use the contact information provided on the flyer provided,

Basic Science Research


Dermatology Research

This research focuses on the establishment and evolution of the infantile cutaneous microbiome and how it relates to the development of pediatric skin disease. It is likely that early priming of the cutaneous immune system is necessary to “teach” the immune system to tolerate commensal organisms. As we understand more about what organisms are present early in infancy, and how these organisms prime the immune system, we will understand more about how to prevent or treat common pediatric skin diseases. Imagine a world where we are able to apply something to the skin in infancy to prevent the development of eczema!